How can video marketing improve your search engine rankings? 

While video can help you reach more people, it’s crucial to plan a strategy that’s right for your business. This means defining your goals and measuring results to determine whether the content you’re creating is generating an ROI. Contact us to learn more about

Include video transcripts in your landing pages.

Video transcripts add a written component to your web page that makes it easier for search engines to understand the content of your video. This helps your site get found for keywords that are relevant to the video and your topic, and it also increases word count and keyword density on your page.

Use video schema markup for organic searches.

The use of video schema markup, or metadata, tells search engines what information to display underneath a header on your page in organic searches. This makes your video more “findable” to search engines, and it may even help you get featured in the search engine result pages (SERPs).

Host your videos on YouTube for SEO purposes.

Google is the largest search engine in the world, and if you want your videos to rank well for search queries, hosting them on YouTube is essential. It also makes it easy for users to share them, which can increase your brand’s exposure.

Create a video sitemap.

A video sitemap is a special type of HTML code that can be used to describe your video content. It includes a link to your video, as well as the title, description, and duration of the video. Having a video sitemap on your website also allows search engines to index your video better.

Optimize your video for mobile devices.

Almost everyone is on their phones these days, so incorporating mobile-friendly features into your video can boost conversions and sales. You can make your videos more appealing to mobile users by making sure they’re optimized for screen sizes, and distributing them on social media platforms where your target audience spends most of their time.

Include a call to action in your videos.

CTAs in your videos are important for increasing conversions and reaching new potential customers. They encourage viewers to take the next step in the purchase process, whether that be contacting you for more information or placing an order online.

Use video to tell your brand’s story.

When a user searches for your products or services, they are looking for specific information that can help them decide on a decision. By including a video that tells your brand’s story, you can help your target audience understand what you do, why you do it, and how it can benefit them.

Use rich snippets for your videos.

The use of video-rich snippets can boost the ranking of your website, as it makes it stand out from the other nine results on a SERP. These snippets can include a thumbnail of your video, a short description, and the length of your video.