What to Ask an SEO Company Before Hiring Them 

When you’re trying to choose a good SEO company, it’s important to know what to ask. Having the right questions can save you from getting stuck with someone who doesn’t understand your needs and doesn’t provide a service that matches your budget. Contact us to learn more about seo consultant tempe

Here are a few things you should ask an SEO company before you hire them: 

What Are Your Results Expectations?

This is the question that will help you gauge whether the company’s strategy is right for your business. They should be able to give you specific metrics that will tell you whether their services are working for you or not, and what success looks like in the short-term and long-term. 

They should also be able to tell you how frequently they send out their SEO reports, and what their frequency is for those reports. This is a crucial question because if an agency isn’t reporting regularly, they could be using black hat tactics that can land your site in hot water with Google. 

Do They Have a Good Track Record?

If you’re looking for an SEO company to help you with your search engine optimization, you should ask them about their past clients. This is a great way to see how they handle large-scale projects and to make sure that they can deliver the results you need. 

Are They Dedicated to Their Clients?

The best SEO companies should be committed to delivering results for their clients. You should be able to get a good feel for this from them when you interview them. If they’re not, you may be dealing with someone who doesn’t care about your business and isn’t willing to put in the time to understand what it takes to make you successful online. 

What Tactics Are They Going To Use?

There are many different SEO tactics that can be used to improve your website’s ranking in Google. You should find out which ones the company uses and how they will fit into your overall marketing strategy. 

Is They a Small or Medium-sized Company?

If they’re a small or medium-sized company, they likely have fewer resources available for your project. This is a big red flag because it’s likely that they will not be able to deliver the results you need as quickly as a larger company would. 

How Long Have They Been in Business?

You should never hire an SEO firm that has been in business for less than a year. A company with less experience is likely to be using a variety of shady practices that will result in you losing your ranking and traffic in the future. 

Does They Have a Case Study? 

If the SEO firm you’re talking to doesn’t have a case study, it’s a sign that they may not be too confident in their work. However, most SEO firms do have case studies that can give you a good idea of what they’ve done for other clients. 

You should also ask the SEO firm how they got their clients to achieve such impressive results. It’s important to see how they achieved their success, so you can get a good sense of how effective their tactics are.